Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Shadow

By Robert L. Stevenson

I have a little shadow that go in and out with me
And wath can be the use of him is morethen i can see
He is verry verrry like me from the heels up to the head.
And I see him jump before me when I jump into my bed....

The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow
Not at all like proper children wich is always verry slow
for he somethimes shoots up taller like and india rubber ball
and he somethimes get so little that theres none of him at all...

He hasnt got a notion of hot children ought to play
and can only make a fool of me in evry sorth of way
he stays so close beside me his a coward you can see
I'd THink shame to stick to nursie as the shadow sticks on me

One morning very early befor the sun was up
I rose and see the shining view of every buttercup
but my lazy little shadow like an errant sleepy head
had stayed at home bbehind me and was fasasleep in bed.

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